I discovered tonight, as I tried to decide what to wear tomorrow, that I really need to have a weekend playdate with my clothes. It's fun to mix and match, and I always wind up with 4 or 5 ideas centered around 1 piece of clothing (I should probably write those ideas down, huh?). If I keep playing long enough, eventually I have a full weeks worth of clothes, which is a very, very good thing.
I'm also having to learn that clothes in the new closet get buried. My closet in the old house was a) completely mine and b) completely open. There were no doors, thus no place for the clothes to hide. In this house, though, the stuff that hangs toward the middle of the closet kind of gets lost. I had a skirt hanging in there that I completely forgot about - one of my favorites, too!
Which brings me to my next point - I really need to wear skirts more. I have several, and they are all crazy comfortable. My issue with "dressing up" has never been the skirt or dress itself, but instead the hosiery. Since I discovered
We Love Colors (thanks Kasmira!) hosiery is no longer a problem. Not only are their tights comfy, but they are opaque so I feel well covered.
However, if I'm going to start wearing my skirts and dresses more, I need a slip or two. I really wanted to wear a new knit dress tomorrow, but as I was playing around in it I noticed it was sticking to my stockings and slowly c-r-e-e-p-i-n-g its way up my thighs. Whoops! I'm pretty sure I donated my old slips to Salvation Army when we moved since they are old and um, no longer the right size.
So those are my revelations. The slips I can definitely do something about, and I can work to incorporate my skirts more. The ony problem could be the weekend playdates. I hate hate hate getting dressed/trying on clothes - always have, ask my mom about shopping with me when I was younger - so while getting the outfits together is never a problem, trying them on to be sure they work almost certainly will be. Oh well, maybe I can power through, one week at a time.